Up at 5am and ready to roll into Boone by 7am to make sure that I’d be one of the first on hand for the opening of the sale behind Proper Restaurant. And why is that first choice? Simple. Proper restaurant is a hip place and the ad promised “cool clothing, records, furniture and jewelry”.
Even with my BEST plans, and an arrival 15 minutes early there we still people scrounging through the offerings while the sellers were setting up. Sigh.
And it WAS my kind of sale. Funky jewelry, hip clothing, and quite a selection of gently used big name sunglasses. In addition, the sale was a Mecca for spotting some favorite people, Pamela, Phoebe, and Lin. Even sweet little Anna was there buying retro brooches.
It is fair to say that I “pawed through” about everything, crawled on the tarps in the parking lot, inspected the purses and found some personal items that the seller left (she got her change back), and enjoyed her boyfriends display of the incense smoking frog decorations.
The seller was ready to deal, and she was giving excellent prices for boxes of “stuff”. My box, at the darling price of $10 consisted of the following:
Big floppy purse
Mikasa “Trellis” dinner plate
Men’s button down linen shirt (peach)
Metallic cord, 45 feet; purple and silver; unopened package
Ralph Lauren, men’s button down linen shirt. Tie dye.
Foster Grant oversized white sunglasses.
Baby’s bib. “Dinner’s on me” says the featured monkey
“Robin K.” dressy T-shirt tank.
Gap men’s button down linen shirt.
Silver and purple Christmas ball earrings
Gold chain (could this be worth something?). Not my style, but will make someone happy.
Amulet. Eagle claw holding clear marble.
Prada tortoise shell sunglasses.
Foster Grant sporty oversized grey mirrored lens sunglasses.
Chunky stone necklace.
Oversized Foster Grant sunglasses. Tan.
I’ll be happy to have the metallic cord during the holidays, my husband can wear one of those linen shirts to an upcoming wedding, and won’t be worrying about not having a pair of sunglasses. Baby Hank will get a new bib, and sadly, the Mikasa plate will be relegated to my under a plant stash (did not notice the chip when it was purchased).