2490 Highway 105, Boone NC. Our house is right on 105, directly across from the used car dealership next to the Ingles shopping center. We are moving and have a lot of stuff to sell so come early!
This craigslist did not do them justice. These recent App State grads and scavengers had a fabulous sale this morning. French coffee presses, vintage dinnerware,skateboards, a stuffed dead cat (he is holding it in the picture if you look close enough), salon chairs, antique mirrors,a Taco Bell table and chairs booth, a collection of guitars, a large Shell oil sign and some sweet 60's plastic molded chairs----this sale touched my hunter gatherer heart. This was our first stop , just because it was close. We were hoping for a chest of drawers or a futon couch, but what we found was much better. Four young men moving on past Boone, who have gathered 4 years of local treasures and were ready to part with them at garage sale prices. My husband and I watched as they brought out more and more items. We began to ask if they had a dresser or a futon couch or vinyl albums, record players, etc.... they brought out this 1950's wooden dresser then the chaise lounge couch
(featured picture), then an old record player built into a cabinet---they had it all! We bought a few items and I just sat and smiled. I liked their style, their free spirit and I admired their collection of things--a bit reminiscent of my own college days. At the end of our garage sale day, we swung back by to see if they still had any guitars. They told me tales of a couple that came by (FLIPPERS) and laid down $125 in cash and took away a car load including the Shell oil sign (that would have needed a pick up to transport--it was that big!). They said it with pride and money in their pockets--why not? The collection of guitars had found another home already. Oh well--maybe next time. Thanks for hosting a fabulous and funky sale this morning guys. I give you a dozen roses for originality, good pricing, and a real sense of enthusiasm for your sale. I also appreciate your ability to purge and collect more on your next journey. You have the right idea! Happy travels gentlemen and happy hunting everyone else! Rosie P.
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