“I “heart” EXPLOSIVES” read the bumper sticker on the black truck that I followed around the twists and turns of mountain roads to get to Holy Cross Church in Valle Crucis, and yes, same truck pulled into the parking lot, which made me wonder about this year’s shoppers. It was the Holy Cross annual sale and I was bemoaning the fact that I would be five minutes late for the 8am opening.
The sale was actually scheduled to start at 9am, and there I was, almost an hour’s drive from home, and an hour early.
Luckily these fine folks had provided an outdoor area with tents jammed full of fifty cent items for the early birds like me. Delightful, and it was off it was to the land of fifty cent treasures. And I must say that there were several “odd” items to be found in fifty cent land like the bedpan decorated with plastic flowers and the naked baby doll with a freakish look on its’ little white face that was attached to a chocolate brown body. Thirty minutes later I rolled my little cart out of this area with the following: Two framed pictures; “Love Birds” signed by artist Harold Crowell, 1983, and a small print that looks like an inkblot signed by artist Hatcher in 1973; a silver plated bud vase from Italy; another pair of reading glasses with a cool beaded clasp; wooden toy truck for a grandson; hand blown glass ornament for the herb garden; and some sturdy rope.
Fifty cent items rock, and all this for less than five dollars, and I’m thinking, “these folks are headed toward a dozen roses from us”.
The next best organizational feature of this sale was that the first thirty shoppers were awarded numbers to be granted early admission. I was number fourteen which allowed me early admission at about 8:55 am. Brilliant idea, and take note other’s who hold large sales.
The house wares section was not as full as usual, and frankly the prices were very high. I hope these items sell, but remember, Saturday is 75% off so it would be worth a journey back to Valle Crucis for the leftovers.
The basement was rocking with stuff a bag of clothing/shoes for $5, and you can bet that I used my expert stuffing skills and came away with a lovely bag of assorted clothing, all rolled tightly to fit into one paper grocery bag: Eddie Bauer silk long johns, Billabong corduroy shorts, The Territory Ahead pants, new, and a Columbia shirt are items found for my husband. Sacred Threads top, Patagonia dress, tie dye skirt, summer top by “pura vida”, two hats, two scarves, and a lovely basic black dress by Wet Seal.
Back upstairs I perused the art section. A framed poster of tomatoes for $80?, nope. And a quick run through the furniture and jewelry sections (overpriced), along with the heat made me call it a day.
I drove away to the sound of bagpipes echoing in the beautiful valley. Even if I had come away empty handed, the experience of being in that sacred valley, with the mist rising over the mountains, crops in the field and the rushing waters of the creeks emptying into the Watauga River was worth the journey. Rosie W.
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