The ad steers the public to your sale. Your description of particular items, your tone, and your eye for detail are all key components in the ad. Remember to highlight unique items you are selling and put size ranges on clothing. Don't forget the statement "NO EARLY BIRDS" if you mean it. This lets garage salers know not to show up before the designated time. Some still will, but you just need to remind them there are no early birds and invite them to wait until you open the sale. Ads should be placed the week of the sale and not the week previous to that. This may cause confusion among garage salers, as it is not common practice. Phone numbers do not need to be placed in the ad unless it is for the purpose of finding your house. If you have good signs, garage salers will not need to call you. This ad caught my eye and I wanted to share with you all what was so right about it.
The best moving sale Ever! Bring your own bags and boxes, fill them up with great stuff, and take them away for $1 each.This is a great opportunity for yard salers and flea marketers. Loads of household items, glassware, linens, frames,pictures, flower ports, flower bed fencing, and odds and ends. Also have some furniture, a Char-Broil grill, stack of mold able chairs, a kerosene heater, kerosene containers (one is full of kerosene), a gasoline container, way too much to list.Plus, I have 30 boxes of books that are going for $5 a box. Believe me, this sale is definitely worth the trip because everything is going at next to nothing prices! My goal is to empty two rooms by the end of the day. Saturday, April 24 at 7am. Directions from King street, turn onto Cherry,at the stop sign turn right onto Eastview, at the next stop turn right then left and head up to Howard's Knob. Look for the first left---that is Navajo Trail--and follow the signs to 308.
This ad was found in the High Country Press this week and was also posted on our local Craigslist. Craigslist is a new arena for the garage sale ad and can be posted there for free. Some folks choose to use it instead of the local papers. I would encourage you to use both avenues to advertise your sale. I marked this as the #1 garage sale to hit this weekend. Not only was the price right, but the ad was written almost to perfection. The seller highlighted a few items to perk the curiosity of her audience, whom she identified by name. She told us this was worth our while and we needed to get out of bed at pre-dawn to be there. She continued by stating her goal was to clear out two rooms of her house and then she gave us specific directions. This was the real thing. She melded marketing skills with down home wisdom to entice the reader ( garage saler) to attend. Genius!
And that I did. Following $1 signs posted on the backs of cardboard boxes, I climbed my way up that mountain to her house. Being the second person the scene, I managed to fill two bags within minutes. The seller was moving back to Mobile, AL to care for her elderly mother. She had just sold her house and was "getting rid" of some her stuff. Her intentions were pure and she was wheeling and dealing. She encouraged me to fill my bag with as much as it could hold. No worries. I got a set of silverware, some cloth napkins, a vintage lamp, the license plates, a few mason jars, some cloth, and some stuffed animals for work. All for $2. The seller earned a dozen roses from me. She was right, it was well worth the trip up the foggy mountain before dawn on a Saturday morning.
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