The song “Heat Wave” was playing in the background, as I stood wondering if he was one of the ASU football players. That’s how big he was, this young man in whose shadow I stood at the Boone Goodwill checkout counter, thus my surprise when he asked the clerk, “Do you still have that three foot plastic crayon that was here last week?”
And so it goes, “thrifting” in the High Country, Winter 2011.
Would it be fair to say that Goodwill, Boone, is the Mecca for local people watching? Diamonds and pearls, butt cracks and babies, cleavage and curls, big hair, no hair, fancy and frumpy they all converge here.
What about the older couple spotted carrying out an inflated oversized replica of a Budweiser bottle? Huh? Wouldn’t you love to know their story. Yes, one person’s trash IS another’s treasure, and in the world of “flippers” (those who resell at flea markets) it is likely that Budweiser treasures DO have value.
In house wares I recently enjoyed conversation with a charming twelve year old boy about the Magic 8 Ball on the shelf. It was broken. But we didn’t give up until each of us tried about 10 shakes. You never know what friendships may be forged at Goodwill!
All the while there was a young man strolling up and down the aisles, not looking like the shopper type, and wearing an old Army jacket that was adorned with a button that read, “Vote for Pedro”. Am I missing something here?
Some shop Goodwill strictly for the clothing, while others head straight for house wares. One sweet local lady can always be found checking out the jewelry counter first. And it is either the furniture section or book section that seems to provide comfort and consolation to reluctant spouses who’d rather be someplace else.
Like the castoffs from Gilligan’s Island, I look forward to seeing the “regulars” when visiting Goodwill. Pamela, Dawn, Anna, Jeff, Louis, Wendy, Karen….and the list goes on…